An abused girl's desperate fight for survival and the silent killer determined to destroy her. Born on a small farm in Alabama, Elenore Griffin spends her days in a Hell of her father’s making. The system has failed her, leaving her trapped in a world of unimaginable torture and pain. Sold to the highest bidder, Elenore finds her nightmares have only just begun. And those responsible for her abuse begin disappearing around her without a trace, while the local authorities seem to be at the center of it all. Step inside the world of a young girl who suffered the most heinous acts imaginable. And survived. This is her life. This is her story…
*****WARNING***** This book contains triggers that some might find offensive. If you have abuse triggers, please purchase with caution.
****Note from the author**** If you are gracious enough to leave a review, I ask that you please not leave spoilers that will ruin it for others. This is the first book in a four part series.
I Am Elle - Elle Series Book 1
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